Wednesday, April 24, 2024SOCA GYM SERIES 12 - CRUNCH TIME
Get your summer body in order! One hour of straight pace that may make you fall off the treadmill. Includes bouyon (From Dominica), and power soca son...
Monday, March 11, 20242024 CARNIVAL COOL DOWN (LAS LAP)
Relive the memories of Trinidad Carnival 2024 as we gear up for Jamaica Carnival and Miami Soca Weekend. Soca Songs you need to get accustomed to.
Tuesday, February 6, 20242024 SOCA TAKE OVER
Getting you ready for the road, Trinidad Carnival 2024!
Monday, December 25, 20232024 SOCA SWITCH ROUND ONE "2024 SOCA MIX"
Giving the gift of soca for Christmas. Things to get familiar with for Trinidad Carnival 2024.